ADVMS Inspirations

It is Possible

by | Feb 4, 2021

Yolanda Roberts

Happy “It is Possible” Thursday!

Give God praise this morning for His glorious power. As we go day to day, and things seem to be getting worse, turn to God. It may seem like nothing is possible to stop all that is going on, BUT GOD! We must remember that all things are possible with God.

God is present everywhere. He knows what is going on and how long it will last. God is on time with all that is happening, and nothing will change until He wants it to happen. We trust in the divine Spirit, listen when He speaks, and be willing to follow His plans and directions.

It does not matter what is going on in this world on this day. Trust God and the process in which He is leading us in. Remember His word tells us, “He will never leave nor forsake us.” (Deuteronomy 31:6b) Remember, God goes before us, and we should not be afraid. Allow God to lead you and trust Him in the process. No matter what it looks like, “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26b)


Rev. Yo



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